It’s been a very quiet week except that our beautiful Noduff Imperial (pictured) has finally arrived from Ireland. Absinthe is an October 2020 whelp who is yet to race or trial. You can read more about her on her personal page. We are looking forward to seeing her trial in about three weeks when all the paperwork is completed.
NODUFF DUNES ran yesterday and finished second. Mia contested all the way to the line in her A6 before going down to defeat by a length when her relative lack of fitness took its toll. She should be bang on next time and should go close with a decent break.
The only other runner this week was SUPREME ODIN. Even Luigi couldn’t lead the early-paced A2 he was put in but did turn second before fading. He has won an A2 before but needs to lead. The last twice he has been dropped to A3 he has won at the first opportunity. He will likely get another crack at an A2 next week.
NODUFF ARIA will come out of hibernation for a sprint trial next week in order to go back on the card. Fred was cramping solid each time in the colder weather which he simply hates. Now the temperature has risen a few degrees he should be able to show us what he can do.
NODUFF EXCALIBUR is reserve for tomorrow’s A1 and, were he to run, Jock would make four Buckland kennel dogs in the same race! CHASING LANDY also appears in the top grade contest for which he is expected to be a short priced favourite given that in his last two outings Cooper finished behind no less than Aussie Captain and Antigua Woofwoof!
NODUFF KLONDIKE should have commenced his grading trial campaign this week but has a mild cough so Jake’s debut has been put back a week.
Similarly, MUSTANG HIGHWAY is scheduled to trial next week following his return from Ireland but is still a little underweight. Wilson needs fattening up!
NODUFF HACIENDA is approaching the end of his rehabilitation following the partial amputation of a toe. Ridley will be ready to trial again in the next couple of weeks.
NODUFF BELLAGIO faces a little longer on the sidelines whilst her torn muscle mends. Despite every effort she still hasn’t come into season! Expect Bonnie to run from strength to strength, qualify for the final of a major competition and then come into season.
NODUFF FLAMINGO is now fourteen weeks out of season and Raspberry will shortly prove too good for A10 class before she trials over six bends.