At Noduff Racing we want many things. We want to enjoy our sport and we want our dogs to be as successful as possible. We take care selecting them for their potential and we only entrust them to the most capable of trainers. We run them ethically – only at fully licensed tracks, at appropriate distances and no more often than their age and wellbeing dictate. We encourage members to contribute and exchange their views on all matters concerning their dogs such as suitable open races and competitions but the trainer’s decision, in particular as to welfare, will always be final. We are active on social media, disseminating videos, stills and as much information as possible about our dogs. We know we can’t all get to the track or to the kennels as often as we’d like but we still want everyone to feel as involved as possible.
Most of all, every dog we buy is for life. The dog’s welfare will always be paramount and in the event of serious injury, where it is possible to enable the dog to be treated and enjoy a good quality of life, this will always be the option taken and any associated cost will be borne from funds accumulated by the dog during his career or contributed by his owners. All our owner agreements contain binding terms to this effect. We want our dogs to enjoy their racing lives just as much as we enjoy being part of them and we want their retirements to be long and equally happy too.
Noduff Caesar (Bertie) is the best example. A very promising puppy from a great litter, he clipped heels and fell in just his second trial at Monmore. You can read more about it on his dedicated page and in the subsequent blog posts. He suffered an injury that has probably ended his career before it even began. He went straight for surgery and has been in a cast now for approaching two months. Time will tell if he will ever race but we are prepared for the worst whilst hoping for the best. His treatment however will have ensured that he has the best retirement possible even if it turns out to premature!